Leader seeing wrong group

OK, I’m gonna try to keep this simple, but it’s not…

Liane Clark, one of our Patriot leaders, was a transfer from another AHG troop that used TT. She also had a son in a TLUSA troop that used TT. Now the only active troop she is using is ours, but when she logs in with the sign-in we gave her this year she sees her son’s old TLUSA troop. She has cleared browsing data on her browser, and this is the same on her home computer and her cell phone. I’m not sure how to fix this.

I’m not sure if it helps, but when I integrated TT with AHG Connect this year, she didn’t transfer over. I had to add her manually.

If this is still an issue, can you please send me an email at support@trooptrack.com with the troop numbers (AHG and TLUSA) that she is in, so I can try to take a look at it? Thanks!