Merit Badge (MB) recording into Trooptrack accounts

Is it possible to give each Scout a privilege to be able to upload front and back side of their blue card for each of their Merit Badge that they complete without being able to edit MB requirements?

My goal is to get the scouts to scan and upload images of their blue cards and then Troop’s Advancement Chair can simply edit and update the requirements completion as per uploaded blue card or other MB completion proof by the Scout. Any help in this regards will be appreciated. Thanks.

Hi @SaqibAsdi,

If a scout has “Self” access and the privilege “Manage user files” they will be able to upload images of their blue cards to their personal profile’s “Files” tab. That should allow you to do what you need to do.

Hi @mlsully2002,
Thanks for the pointer. This would be my back-up plan.
Currently, all my scouts have these privileges and they can upload their rank advancements, training proofs, blue card images etc.
This however, require an extra step for me to open the file and transfer it to the boy’s corresponding Merit Badge. Please note that both Front and Back of MB can be added by clicking the “cloud” icon for that particular MB.