New Cub Scout Requirements

Thank you Sully! Also is there a status update on if the new Adventures are now tied to the Rank awards yet?

Will you be adding rank achievements with the 2016 requirements?
For example Arrow of Light Rank (2016 +)

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I just added the 2016 ranks. They still do not auto fill, but you can use them for tracking and reporting now.


Thank you Matt for getting these in!!!

Question: If we start using this now, will it everything tie in
automatically later? For example, will there be a point very soon where
if they finish all of the requirements for a required adventure, then
trooptrack will automatically sign it off at the rank level too? I just
want to know that if we start updating everything by hand now, will it
all be for nothing later and have to be redone?

Reentry should not be required when the adventures start autofilling the rank.

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Thank you for you help Matt!

ā€œautofillā€ means Troop Track tallies the % accomplished toward the rank???

Is there an ETA yet as to when the adventures will be tied to the new rank? I have seen problems with adding awards (as you have to do it all by hand) as well as reporting issues with how the new rank works. It would be better for the app to have it work like the 2015 parent/child relationships with ranks being the parent and adventures being the children.

TT Team,

After reading this thread am I correct that the following is true:

  1. The new cub scout rank achievements are now published under a Rank 2016+ label
  2. There will not be a migration for those scouts currently tracking a Rank 2015+ program to the new 2016 program
  3. Pack and Den Leadership will need to manually migrate currently tracked 2015 Rank progress to the new 2016 Rank programs

Is that all correct above?


Yesā€¦ that is all correct.

Happy Connecting. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy SĀ® 5

For those that have done that migration, if you have any tips/trips to make the process easier that would be awesome.

We are staying with the 2015 for right now. It is up to the den leaders judgement on how to manage the changes this year. Any removed and not done will just be marked as complete. Easier than transferring over all of the info for our scouts who are all well more than 1/2 done.


Iā€™m just sitting down this morning and having my first look at the 2016+ badges. Looking at Bear Badge 2016+, itā€™s just a matter of checking the box to show that the adventure/elective was completed - no dates! So, Iā€™ll probably enter our weekly dates into the Bear 2015+ like weā€™ve been doing since the beginning of the year AND checking the boxes for 2016+. Itā€™s really an extra step but itā€™s a tiny step so it wonā€™t take much time, itā€™s a really smart solution to this mess of changes brought on in the middle of the scouting year! Hats off to TT.

Also, I created a ā€œlesson planā€, on paper marking dates, attendance, and what adventures the scouts worked on, last year because we had trouble with the Wolf Badge. Still using the paper method this year out of habit.

it took me less than 10 minutes to get the 2016+ achievements entered for my sonā€™s Bear Den. I used the Bulk entry and it asked for the date we met, so I used the Pack Meeting date for when the scouts received the belt loop (Iā€™ve already documented specific dates under the 2015+ rank and donā€™t see a need to reenter a bunch of arbitrary dates just to get the rank to 100% status by the end of the year). I am very happy to see that the 2016+ Badge shows % completed!

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oh, and I wonā€™t bother using the 2016+ adventures since they arenā€™t linked to the 2016+ badge.

Thanks allā€¦do you have your TT configured to update the BSA automatically when rank is completed so that you can get your badges from your local scout store?

nope, donā€™t know how to setup any auto transfers to BSA from TT! Our previous committee chair had mentioned having trouble getting things to auto transfer so I manually enter everything in Online Advancement and then usually someone from the Pack will drive to the nearest scout store and pickup the belt loops. Iā€™m still using the paper advancement form for the rank patches we give out at blue & gold!

Are there plans to have the new 2016+ adventures/requirements calculate the rank advancement? Iā€™ve added the new adventures to each AOL cub in my den and have updated each one but the rank advancement for each cub is still at 0%. Is there something Iā€™m doing wrong?


did you add Arrow of Light Rank (2016+) or add each adventure individually? if you manually put in each of the new 2016+ adventures ( like Arrow of Light: Duty to God in Action (2016+) ) the adventure should show a % based on how many dates you entered, but those donā€™t seem to be tied to the Arrow of Light Rank (2016+).

Iā€™m still using the Arrow of Light (2015+) to enter the details about when the adventure was completed, itā€™s not a perfect match now that BSA made all those changes, but itā€™s close enough to still be useable. I just enter 11302016 for any part of the adventure that no longer needs to be completed.

I added Arrow of Light Rank (2016+) and itā€™s calculating the % for me. So basically our scouts now show they are working on both Arrow of Light (2015+) where our leaders can go in and record the bits and pieces of each adventure as they complete them -AND- the Arrow of Light Rank (2016+).

Itā€™s not perfect, but thatā€™s my work around!

I added both the Rank and each adventure. The problem is that adding the rank does NOT add the adventures. They are currently separate and must be added individually. For me, they are not connected and the AOL does not calculate the %. Iā€™m not sure what you did to get that to happen on your end, but itā€™s not doing it for me. Thanks for the feedback though!