One person multiple times in a list

I am brand new to Trooptrack. I am trying to set things up. Is it normal that when I go to troop leadership that their are multiple listings of the same person?

Hi @mcrone,

Usually that doesn’t happen, but I see some of your leaders have 2 of the same leadership position on their profile. This can be changed by clicking on their name, then clicking on their “leadership” tab and modifying when those positions expire. Positions can be deleted by clicking on “actions” and “delete”.


David Keener

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Thank you!
I am wondering if it is normal at this time of the year (summer) to see two terms for board members. Right now I see, 20-21 and 21-22. So they are listed twice?

Hi @mcrone,

Yes, due to one leadership position expiring soon, and the other continuing on. Once the 21 expires, then they’ll only be there once.


David Keener

Thank you. Is the positions expiring also affect user accounts? When I look at Money Accounts, there are 4 for Christine Alston, and 2 for Marlene Martin. If I click on the highlighted names, for the first 3 of Christine’s I get taken to a page that says it doesn’t exist. Marlene’s first one also does the same. Can I delete those or should I close those?

Thank you

Hi @mcrone,

It’d be best to delete those accounts. That way each account you’re keeping track of is connected to a person. This can be done by clicking “actions” and “delete”.


David Keener