Patrol/Den/Unit/Troop Sorting & more

Good morning everyone.

We just released a bunch of fixes thanks to @Spencer, who is working full-time at TroopTrack over his summer break and is totally crushing it! I’m thinking of calling it the “Summer of Bugs”, ie. the summer of killing lots of bugs!

Okay, here’s the list:

  1. Patrols/Dens/Units/Troops now sort the same all over the place, including:
  • On the event form
  • On the individual progress form
  • On the bulk progress form
  1. Mailing lists are now sorted alphabetically when you are creating a new message

  2. The Record Attendance page now includes all past events and you can define a date range for it.

  3. There was a bug allowing people without the proper privileges to delete achievements. This is fixed.

  4. There was a bug allowing people without the proper privileges to add training. This is fixed.

  5. We now use https for this community site, so all traffic is now encrypted. Yay!

Also, some time ago I talked about supporting selling tickets to an event for the general public. We are currently testing that out with our summer codecamp. You can check it out here: Just don’t register. Unless you want to send your kid to Weatherford for a week this summer!

~ Dave