Recording attendance at a service project


We had a special meeting today that was a service project. When I created the event on the calendar, I entered 1.5 Hours of Service on the Advanced tab.

At the event, I was able to use my phone to record attendance. That went fine.

When I checked the girls’ Participation & Service tabs from my home PC, I saw the event listed, but the girls were not credited with any service hours.

When I look at “Record Attendance” from the Details & RSVP page, I see a column that is labeled “Hours” and has 1.5 entered in the column header. All of the other cells in that column are empty. I manually entered 1.5 for one of the girls and Updated the event, and now her Participation & Service tab correctly shows 1.5 hours of service.

Question: Do I need to manually enter 1.5 hours for each girl who attended? If so, I was unable to do this from my phone - I was only able to see the first 4 columns of the Record Attendance page. It would be great to have this functionality from the phone.

Suggestion: It would be nice to have a different way to update the service hours. Maybe a button on the Details & RSVP page, right next to the “Record Awards Progress for Attendees” - it could say “Record Service Hours for Attendees.” If tent nights, cabin nights, hiking miles and canoeing miles require the same manual process, it might be nice to have buttons for them as well (or one button that does it all). And make it accessible from a phone.


I just accidentally clicked on the up-and-down arrows next to the 1.5 in the column header, and all the cells updated! For everyone in the troop, even those who did not attend.

Now when I look at Participation & Service tab for a non-attending girl, I see the event listed with 1.5 hours of service, but it says “Did not attend” next to it. I think that is what it should say, but it looks odd to me - still getting used to all the information being tracked.

But I was not able to access that feature on my phone.


Hi @mwestcott,

If you check the boxes on the left for the girls who attended, the other filters will only apply to those.

The other columns do not appear on the mobile site, but it is on our todo list to add a way to do this that doesn’t look like trash.


We just had a campout where we had tent nights, service hours and hiking miles. It would be nice to have a filter that allows us to only show those that attended. I would expect the “Apply to All” items to only affect the visible members.
I ended up changing the RSVP status just to make the guys that attended appear at the top to make it easier to make sure I was not missing anyone. Perhaps a sort by attended option could be added.


I don’t think this bug is resolved…Help Me please.
I too had a service event that many troop members went to. I had it set to count as 2 service hours. When I entered the attendance, I assumed the service hours would be there, but they were not. I originally entered attendance with Phone App, then later, I went to check and I see that no service hours were rewarded. I then Unchecked all Attendance, updated, then re-entered those who attended…no luck. Please advise

This does seem to be a bit of a bug still. You must change the number in order to have it fill down the list. The easiest way is to use the up arrow to add one then the down arrow to subtract one and get back to where you were. Then it will have filled down the list.

Has this been resolved?

Unfortunately no you still need to adjust the number and then set it back to get the fill.

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This does still seem to be a bug. I’ve tried multiple times saving the attendance for the event and while the event is listed in the participation section for each scout none of the camping nights or service hours are shown, they have to be entered manually for each scout. Furthermore, viewing the attendance report for the event itself shows nobody in attendance even though the even has them all correctly displayed.

Did you increment the camping nights and service hours arrows at the top of the page before selecting all of those that attended and save?

Thanks for the quick response.

Do you have to enter the nights/hours before checking each attendee? I would expect order doesn’t matter on the page since there’s a save at the bottom. I’ve tried saving multiple ways but I did just notice something - one of the scouts who actually RSVPed to the event did get the nights/hours (most people aren’t bothering to RSVP in trooptrack yet). I don’t know if one of our other leaders entered that manually but do you know if the RSVP has to exist in order for the nights/hours to be saved?


I just tested both scenarios with my test event and users and it does not matter what order you select the Attended check box and increment the hours to fill down. In my test none of the users had RSVPd and it still correctly applied the hours to their Attendance Record. If that is not the behavior you are seeing when doing all of these steps then you will need to send a message to and provide as much information as possible including the event link and who the individuals are that you are trying to record attendance for. The system overall is working properly so perhaps it is something specific to your group or users.

Thanks for the help. I sent an email with screenshots and links to the event/scouts to the support email you gave me.