Replay All option on emails not working?

Is there an issue with the “Send Replies to all original recipients” option for emails? It seems that if we reply to those group emails the message never comes through or is limited to the last person to respond.

This is the email address attached to our most recent group email: but I’m not sure that replies are actually going to everyone that was on the original email. Is there anyway to confirm that?

Thank you,

Hi Nick,

Was this just a normal “Send an Email”? Or what email communication were you using in TroopTrack? Were any replies ever sent through?

I was able to test this. As long as the sender is hitting “Reply All” it should be working. Maybe the replier is only replying to the last email on the thread? But if the email is on the message, everyone should see the response.

Let me know if this is still not functioning properly for you.


Hi Tyler,

We just noticed that when leaders were sending emails and selected “Send replies to all original recipients” the email replies do not go back to the sender but it does go to the others on the email. This has caused a bit of confusion as some people think the email has been responded to and others who are waiting for a reply haven’t. Was this the same issue that Nick was having?

Thank you,

Hi Suma,

That seems to be a bit different. You are saying that when “reply to all original recipients” is selected, the original sender doesn’t receive the responses from anyone else on the list. Correct?

I will get this over to our tech team and have them fix this.


Yes, that seems to be the case.

I am seeing this, too. @Tyler, look at an email sent 2020-05-20 05:47 am. It has a number of replies and the original sender is never copied on any of the replies. Everyone else is copied, just not the original sender.

Yes, this is something Dave and our tech team currently have on their todo list and are working on. We will hopefully have this identified and figured out very soon.


Hi all,

This should be working now as our tech team has figured this issue out.


David Keener

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