Target Eagle Report

It would be wonderful to be able to print a report that showed Target Eagle scouts along with Months to age 18. We had one in our last software and our PLC used it often in the administration and planning part of the troop. You could choose it by patrols or all scouts. You could also include or excluded scouts under first class.

Thank you for considering! :grinning:

I have found a “target eagle” report in TT, and I like it - but very few of our scouts show the have the “Cooking” mb and this is innacurate - what have I done wrong? :slight_smile:

What “target eagle” report are you referring to? My cursory fumbling hasn’t found it; it sounds interesting. Or are you using the Board of Review Worksheet report?

I have found one under Quick Nav and then Reports - There is an Eagle Prgress Report - it seems to be what we are wanting, but it shows none of our scouts having earned the Cooking MB, when they almost all have…maybe it is because they have all earned prior to 2016?

I don’t think that the report is “Smart” to be able to count any of the 3 versions of the Cooking Merit Badge that could be in play for current scouts. Perhaps only the most recent version.

Click the Quick Nav button and then choose reports and it is called Eagle Progress Report…