Weird duplicate names after making attendance

We just tried to mark attendance for a recent troop event and now we have all sorts of duplicates, with some people even listed under Attended AND Not Attended!

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Hi @schwammrs,

What event are you seeing this happening to?


David Keener

The event on 2020-09-28 06:30 pm is the culprit.

Side note: for the event on Sept 25-27, one of the people (Mis. Mat.) showed up twice during rsvping (and counted twice in the total people attending when both instances of her were marked as yes). I could NOT figure out a way to remove her from the guest list. It seemed like once a person was invited and had some sort of response entered, then they were included in the event even if they were removed from the guest list… Should I have brought these up as separate issues/bugs from the first one?

Hi @schwammrs,

So some of these duplicates showed up after marking attendance and others had this issue before?


David Keener

The Sept 28 event was set to no RSVPs needed; the duplicates showed up when we marked attendance after the event took place.

On the Sept 25 event (the only other one where I’ve noticed an issue with duplicates), there were RSVPs required. ONE leader showed up twice for some reason.

Hi @schwammrs,

I’ve given this issue over to our tech team and they’re working on a fix for this issue.

When they get it fixed we’ll update this thread.


David Keener

Did they ever get it fixed? The problem event still has loads of duplicate names, some in both attended and not attended. But I don’t think I’ve noticed this issue again since then.

Should we just delete the event and recreate it? (It’s confusing when we look up attendance and can’t tell who was or wasn’t actually at that meeting…)

I am also having this issue with one of my leaders. She’s appearing 3x in event invites. I’m using the unit to invite and not individual names.

I also had a scout with duplicate RSVPs one for going and one for not going. I cant withdraw the one not going. I had withdrawn the one going but both are still listed on the event. I am going to try and have him change the not going to going.

(EDITED) I “withdrawn” the one going and then changed the not going to going. It seemed to correct things. The duplicate name came off the list of