AHG Badge Completion / Award Level Mismatch for Pioneer

One of our Pioneers (in a combined Pioneer / Patriot unit) completed the Cake Decorating badge yesterday. It was the first badge completed in the Family Living frontier, so it satisfies that level award requirement.

TroopTrack auto populated the Family Living frontier requirement in the Abigail Adams Award record, which is the Patriot level award, rather than the corresponding Harriet Tubman Award element for Pioneers. The badge level is set to “Pioneer” and the girl is listed as “Pioneer” in her profile.

Please let me know if you need more information to reproduce the error. Thank you.

Turns out that the problem is pervasive for all of the Pioneer girls. The first time I looked at the Abigail Adams Award progress for the unit (such as through the Incomplete Achievements Book), the system started the achievement for each girl in the unit regardless of Pi/Pa level or whether she had already earned the Dolley Madison Award (precursor to Abigail Adams). Could it be that the badge completion is looking for whether Abigail Adams Award record exists rather than girl level?