Eliminate 3MB limit on Medical Form uploads

Hi @njmike,
At this time we will not be removing the 3MB limit from medical forms. We might remove it in the future, but for now we are not investing in the medical form feature at all.

We implemented the medical form storage feature years ago and we have fretted about it ever since. We periodically discuss removing it from the product for new customers and only leaving it accessible for legacy customers. So far we haven’t pulled the trigger on that, but we may do it one day.

So… you’re probably wondering why that feature stresses us out, and the answer is simple: As @MatthewPodraza mentioned, BSA (and other organizations we support) discourage the storing of medical forms online and we support that stance. Medical information is a special class of information, like credit card information (which we don’t store) that gets extra attention from hackers, lawyers, and governments, and we’d prefer to stay away from all of those people as much as possible.

Best wishes,


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