Email Restrictions

We have imported all our users and assigned the scouts into patrols. All other users are listed in the unassigned group…If the user is in the unassigned group, does that mean they will still get emails if sent to the troop? How do you llimit the emails to only send to active users? Do we need to de-activate all users that are not active, otherwise they would get a global email? Is there a way to bulk edit users and make them de-activated? We have 100+ users that are no longer in the troop or aged out or are just not active anymore.

Unfortunately there is not a way to bulk deactivate people. They will receive emails unless you deactivate them.

The fastest way to deactivate them is to go to Manage > Patrols, click the name of the person you want to deactivate, press deactivate, then it takes you back to Manage > Patrols and it’s not a terribly long process from there. Just a lot of clicking.