Hiking Miles are not recorded

Hi there,
I have just noticed that when I setup a hiking mile in an event and recorded the attendance, the hiking miles are not applied to the attendee.

Can you please help?

Hi @AdiTedjasukmana,

When recording attendance with the new feature you will need to make sure that the hours are filled in the top box and then they will fill for the lower ones. You may need to change the number up or down one to get it to fill for the users who attended.


David Keener

Hi David,

I have tested it in a couple of events.



In the first example, I had to manually enter the Hiking Miles to each attendee.

I did the test by turning on/off the attendance of one of the attendance while refreshing the hiking miles report (https://1stpointcook.trooptrack.com/manage/reports/10895 ) to check the number.



Just checking in and changing the total miles hike up and down on the top of the screen works (as a workaround).

Would the underlining issue be fixed?

Hi @AdiTedjasukmana,

You’ll need to adjust the time in order for it to fill onto users profiles. That hasn’t changed with the new way of recording attendance. It’s because that number acts as a baseline and can be adjusted as needed for that event when recording attendance.


David Keener

I am not able to figure it out. I see the notification about having to set default hiking mileage (which I did), but then nothing shows up on the attendance/RSVP page.

You must change the number by pressing the up or down arrow then press the opposite arrow to set it back. For instance if you set the mileage to 4 miles you would hit the up arrow changing to 5 then the down arrow to go back to 4, the 4 is then filled down the list and anyone who has a check mark next to their name showing they attended will have those miles added to their record when saved.

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