Recording partial hiking miles

Apologies if this has been asked/answered, but I couldn’t find it.

Am I correct that only whole hiking miles can be recorded? I can enter partial miles (i.e 3.5 miles) when planning the event, and the decimal value shows on the Record Attendance page, but when saving the data I’m forced to use an integer value. Is that right?


Hi @ScottHalley,

Any number up to the maximum amount for that event can be recorded. If I created an event, and under the advanced tab for that event (where miles and other info is configured) I put in 5 miles, but someone only did 2.5 then I could put in 2.5 for them. It will save the 2.5 value.


David Keener

David -
Thanks for the reply, but that isn’t what I observe. I get a pop up window that tells me I need to pick an integer value. If I have 0.5 it says to pick 0 or 1. If it’s 2.5 it suggests 2 or 3.

Here’s a screenshot


Hi @ScottHalley,

Yes, so it looks like without the setting of “dynamic meeting invitations” enabled then you can only enter integer values; however, if you click on the gear icon, then “edit Troop settings” and “TroopTrack settings” you’ll be taken to the settings page. Under “general settings” you can enable “dynamic meeting invitations”. This is the newer way of planning events with TroopTrack and it’s more updated as well.


David Keener

Thanks - I have switched that on. Should that allow me to enter decimal miles for existing events, or only new ones created with that enabled? (I’m assuming the latter since I still can’t do it for the existing one??).

Hi @ScottHalley,

This new way of planning events will only apply to new events that are created. It doesn’t change old ones, since they were already planned. You’d have to re-plan the event in order for it to be changed.


David Keener

Hi David -
I don’t want to rain on your parade, because I appreciate your help, but I’ve toggled the settings for dynamic planning and created a new event so I could try this out, but I"m still getting the same message for decimal hiking miles. It accepts decimal service hours, but not hiking.

Separately, and I was going to look in the help section but since i’m typing, in setting up the event I saw I don’t have the option to invite custom mailing lists. Is that right? I have a custom list for the subset of our adults that like to go on the campouts. I use that to invite them. Any suggestions? (other than entering their names individually in the adult section)


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Hi @ScottHalley,

I was able to recreate that issue for the hiking miles. I’ll have to get with our tech team to see if there’s a fix for that issue.

Yes, with Dynamic meeting invitations there’s no way to use custom mailing lists when inviting members to an event. There are community forms to have that feature added to TroopTrack though, and I invite you to go to those and like the comments to push along the tech team’s implementation of that feature.


David Keener


If their solution applies to non-dynamicly scheduled events as well that would also be appreciated. :slight_smile:


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Following… I’ve been having the same difficulty with my events and am looking for a solution. Especially with COVID forcing limited group sizes, our Troop is doing a LOT of hiking at the Patrol level and this bug keeps cropping up for entering partial/fractional miles.

Strange behavior to note… If I add an attendee after the event, then their mileage pre-populates with the event defined mileage (partial) and TroopTrack doesn’t complain.