Magic Mailing List

I am trying to clean up our email mailing lists. There seems to be so many of them… I want try and clean out our custom mailing list and use the magic lists. But I am having a problem with my magic mailing list because there is one that says All active adults with a current leadership position It included our Registered Adults but we don’t want them to be included in that email… Any ideas?

Also, our Troop Coordinator will be teaching Pathfinders and she can’t be in both units (Pathfinders & Leadership) at the same time…

AHG considers Registered Adults to be leaders, so that is why that magic mailing list sends to them as well.

However, there is an alternative solution to both of your problems, which is using the new Inbox feature. In order to set this up, you will want to go to Manage > Settings > Manage troop settings. Then select the “TroopTrack Settings” tab. Turn on both of the features in the big blue BETA box on the right side of the page. Then you will need to give yourself two additional privileges that you probably did not have turned on before. They are “View inbox” and “Manage mailboxes.”

Once you have done this, you will see a new option under the Communicate section called “Inbox (BETA)”. Then you can create a mailbox where you can specify that you want a mailing list only for certain leadership positions or certain leaders plus a specific individual parent, or whatever you want. I have included two links where Dave explains these features a bit more in-depth, including screenshots. :slight_smile:

This is currently still a BETA feature, so there might be some kinks that we still need to work out, but we will do our best to respond promptly to such and improve on the feature as more and more users test it out for us.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

I am still trying to get the hang of it. It is just driving me crazy with all custom lists and magic lists we have. lol :wink: