Recurring Meetings

If this is in there, I can’t find it. Where I have our troop meetings set as a recurring meeting, the list of attendees is as it was when I set up the meeting. The attendance list includes those who are no longer on the roster, but more importantly, does not include those who have joined our Troop since the meeting was set up.

Is there a way to update these automatically to have the correct roster for the date of the meeting, or do I need to go in and update each one individually?


Hi @edhupp,

You’ll need to have “dynamic meeting invitations” turned on for new members to be automatically added to TroopTrack. You can do this by clicking the gear icon, then “edit troop settings”, and clicking “trooptrack settings”.

From there under “general settings” you can turn on dynamic meeting invitations and click “update settings” to make that setting active for your Troop.


David Keener