I would like to see a way to be able to tell when (date/time) someone RSVPs for an event and have that be recorded.
I would like to see a way to be able to tell when (date/time) someone RSVPs for an event and have that be recorded.
I agree with this idea. Right now for example - I have Sign up Genius being used to schedule Scoutmaster Conference opportunities. I put the schedule out there and Scouts ready for advancement can book a time slot. I get a notification that the time slot is filled.
I would use the TroopTrack Calendar if I could set the event to have a subscription / notification when someone RSVPs for the event. TT can be limited to 1 attendee, I can set a deadline on the RSVP so the Scout can’t book it less than 2 or 3 days before the meeting. It would show attendance on his Board of Review Record as a double check of an attended event. Seems like TT is close to removing my need for Sign-up Genius other than I don’t have to re-author the event for every instance - I just add time slots on Sign-up Genius as time goes on.
Also, I wouldn’t publish the Scoutmaster Conferences in two different places - on my TroopTrack Calendar with a link to Sign-up Genius and on Sign-up Genius.
So I am torn of actually using TT for my purpose. It isn’t broke - but it isn’t unbroken.