Scouts BSA Linked Girl Troops

With Boy Scouts changing to Scouts BSA and allowing Girl Troops in Febrary, what is your plan to implement the “Linked” Troop structure where The Boy and Girl Troop will have a shared committee? The Girl Troops are forming now and it would really help to have the communication portion ironed out. Should we just add them as a separate Patrol in the Boy Troop for now?


Jennifer, I have this same question. As I understand it, having a separate patrol would not work very well. The Turbo Net advancement upload/download would not work since the female patrol is actually chartered as a separate troop and would have a different BSA Internet Advancement login. (The separate login is assumed - I have not been able to get any feedback from our local council.)
Also, as I understand it, you can buy another TT subscription for the femaile troop and manage both with the same TT login. But, this would not be very cost effective for us since we will only have 5 girls at most to start. Not to mention the hassle of managing separate calendars, shopping lists, etc. Ugh!

Dave and TT team - any feedback?



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I too would like to know whether it’s possible for co-habitating (for lack of a better term) units (a girl troop and a boy troop) to use the same TroopTrack subscription. Logistically, it’s probably not feasible since Internet Advancement must see those two units as distinct, and TroopTrack accounts only see 1 unit at a time.

This really is no different from a Charter Organization having a Troop, Pack and Crew they are all separate units and so would need separate TT accounts, you do get a little discount when you register two units at the same time. I suppose though for initial communication you could just create a patrol in your Troop account then once you officially Charter create a new TT account and request the members be transferred. You could technically get around the BSA Internet Advancement issue by un-checking the members of the other unit and use the credentials for the appropriate unit, not clean but if it was only a few to start it would be possible.

Ok we are 21 days out and there is still not an answer for a linked troop situation. Is there a plan for this situation?

Our female troop has been registered under a different unit number so adding the females to our existing troop would create a real challenge with TurboNET.

I’d like to hear an official response from TroopTrack on this issue. Are you–

  • Currently developing a feature to link units and have a shared calendar?
  • Considering/investigating such a feature?
  • Will look into the feature if enough units request it?
  • Unable to implement such a feature due to technical issues?

Our female unit is now registered and our first meeting will be next month so we need to move on this issue soon.

Was there ever a solution for this? We have two troops (and a pack) that share a meeting space and some resources and are trying to find the best way to track which group is using the space when.