Sharing Documents

How to Get There

You can get to your full documents list and upload documents from the share menu item. Simply click on the Share menu item and then select documents from the drop down menu box as shown below:

How It Works

To upload a new document to your document list, just click "Upload a document":

Then fill out the following form:

Click Save and the document will be uploaded and will appear on the document list:

One thing to note about sharing troop documents is the level a document is set to determines not who can see it, but what access level can see it. Such as the following:

Document set to “Self” = Level Access “Self” and above can access it.
Document set to “Household” = Level Access “Household” and above can access it.
Document set to “Unit” = Level Access “Unit” and above can access it.
Document set to “Troop” = Level Access “Troop” can access it.

If you want everyone to be able to see a document, no matter how low their level is, you need to set it to “Self”. If you only want the troop leaders who can see everyone to see a document, you would set the document to “Troop”.

That's it!


Please help. How can I share links to these documents? The Name column is not clickable as indicated by the last screenshot in this guide. Thank you.

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I love being able to share documents with the troop, but I’m a neat freak…and it would be awesome if user/webmasters were able to create folders on the Troop Documents page where a folder hierarchy was possible. (i.e Committee Meetings, Parent Forms, Treasurer Reports, etc…)



I agree, having folders on the Share/Documents function would be very helpful for our troop as well.


DEFINITELY another vote for the “folders” functionality! That’s about all that’s keeping us from ditching DropBox entirely, as we’d very much like to keep all of our Pack’s pertinent info here on TroopTrack.

Thanks for your support and responsiveness with a great product!



another vote for folders.


In the “Category” field have an auto-fill as typing or a drop-down of current categories to select from. We often have “orphaned” documents because someone mistyped an existing category name when adding a document.


On the todo list. Thank you.

One more vote for folders or tags within tags like gmail.

Is there any hope of getting a folder hierarchy within the documents / share page. Having just a flat list is causing some of my parents to rebel and start looking for other options. Seems like this feature has been requested for a long time with no response.

My husband just discovered the solution to hyperlinking to documents tonight!

From your list of Documents, you click the Action button, then right-click on the Download option. Choose “copy link location” and you’re golden!

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We would like to archive some of the old documents vs. deleting from TroopTrack. Our only option is to remove from TroopTrack and save it to one of my personal cloud drives. My thought is for future members who may be looking for meeting minutes, prior events, and other things when I am no longer an active member.

Has there been a solution of creating a document folder hierarchy, so documents can be organised and managed? By managed, I mean controlled who can access these documents, view, download, etc.

There is no option of folders currently. There are Categories which you can use and then choose to only view documents for that Category. As to your second question about controlled access that is possible based on Access Level. @Tyler just did a write up about that yesterday.

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You could always create an “archive” category and assign it to that.

I came here today to find info on how to set up a folder to contain all the documents for a specific event in document sharing… I see from these comments that isn’t a feature yet.

I AGREE. I would LOVE to see folders in document sharing on TroopTrack.

Hi Dawn,

We hope to update TroopTrack Documents in the near future. However, some troops use services such as Google Drive or Dropbox as well as TroopTrack to manage documents and other large items for their troops. To replicate the features that those services have is a large undertaking for our team.


That makes sense. I ended up using my office OneDrive to set something up. It’s just so great to have an all in one place for Unit admin. I really like TroopTrack and its a great product. This is a goal for the future maybe some day.

Thanks for your reply!

Dawn Diamond

Is there any way to identify who uploaded (or last modified) a document so as to identify the owner?

No, the user that uploaded is not logged, a user can be manually selected.