Tracking Who Signed Off a Requirement

Hi @NateBrauner,

Yes this also applies to merit badges, and other achievements.

-David Keener

Hi @AaronStorey,

It should show the “recorded by” whenever progress is recorded by a leader who is able to record progress, and also when provisional progress is recorded.

I may not have made that clear in my post, and I apologize.


David Keener

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Thanks. I’m sorry to be such a bother, but when I go into a scout’s rank requirements, such as to sign him off on Star rank requirements 1 and 2, it doesn’t show that I did that when I save it and back out. It only shows who signed off on the rank as a whole. In a scout’s handbook, we track who signs off on each individual requirement. It’s the same thing with Merit Badges. Am I missing something? I don’t see where that is reflected in the electronic record.

If you’re under the hood working in this area, could the date the progress was approved also be displayed? We have leaders who have been back-dating achievements and while it’s great to know who approved it, it would help to know when. If I need to open a new request, let me know… happy to do so.


I agree! That’s really important. We had a leader a few years ago that was fraudulently altering records, and she got away with it for a while until some of us noticed. Features like these would leave digital fingerprints on the transaction, and would allow for better visibility.


I’d like to follow up on this and see about getting this feature added.

In our Troop we would like to use Troop Track to record merit badge progress. If we want the individual Merit Badge Councilors to record Merit Badge progress in TT, we have to grant those councilors both “unit” access and "Edit achievement records privileges. That is A LOT of open access to the system.

In order to provide some oversight to that access it would be great if TT could add a column to the Profile → Achievements → Merit Badges → Actions → Details page (screen shot of this page is below) to show who recorded that achievement and when.

Some Scouts start a MB and it stays as a partial for year … adding this information would BE HUGELY helpful to us in tracking progress and maintaining data / achievement integrity.

Thanks for consider


David - is this a requirement that we can get added to this report. Just want to track who marked the activity completed and when?

See screenshot in the post above from a couple days ago.

Agreed - this would be very helpful.